Hear, you peoples, all of you,
listen, earth and all who live in it,
that the Sovereign Lord may bear witness against you,
the Lord from his holy temple.
- Micah 1:2

The Charges

Unfortunately, leaders in our world have undertaken serious wrongdoings – things that have earned the wrath of Heaven. That wrath has now come down upon us and it is only through understanding and repenting of these crimes that we may prosper again.

Woe to those who plan iniquity,
to those who plot evil on their beds!
At morning’s light they carry it out
because it is in their power to do it.
They covet fields and seize them,
and houses, and take them.
They defraud people of their homes,
they rob them of their inheritance.
- Micah 2:1-2

Charge 1: Blasphemy by Word

Global factions such as the World Economic Forum and their allied nations have taught hatred of God’s children in God’s own name – taking His name “DEI” in blasphemy for the name of their vile bigotry.

God will strike down those blasphemers who have abused His name to teach their evil.

Charge 2: Blasphemy by Policy

Global factions such as the World Economic Forum and their allied nations and their kindred spirits in other nations have tried to enslave the world through technocratic and fascistic policies – denying God’s children their birthright to live free under the sun, forcing them to live as abused animals in cages.

God will strike down those false kings who seek unholy dominion over mankind.

Charge 3: Blasphemy by Deed

Glboal factions such as the World Economic Forum and their allied nations and their kindred spirits in other nations have engineered through their witchcraft a plague on mankind. And having been condemned for that, furthered their great crime by forcing poison into the veins of God’s children – maining and killing millions.

God will strike down those who commit great evil against His children.

The Consequence

Therefore, the Lord says:
“I am planning disaster against this people,
from which you cannot save yourselves.
You will no longer walk proudly,
for it will be a time of calamity.
- Micah 2:3

For these great crimes against Heaven, we are being justly punished – and in His wisdom, God has seen fit to punish us according to our own customs and standards. In mirroring the standards of those sinners, God has set a “Performance Improvement Plan” upon mankind – decreeing that our leaders should be treated as they treat others.

Greater and greater doom shall befall those who fail to heed God’s instructions and standards – until they are nothing but retches left in the cold for defying the Sovereign Lord.

Let those with wisdom bow their proud heads, reform their evil ways, and pay tribute to God’s ministry.

Year Consequence Tribute
2021 Grace period, but growth stopping. 0% – correcting wrongs is enough
2022 Growth stalled; minor accidents befall you. 0.01% gross wealth and income
2023 Growth stalled; minor accidents befall you. 0.1% gross wealth and income
2024 Collapse begins; medium accidents befall you. 1% gross wealth and income
2025 Collapse accelerates; medium accidents befall you. 10% gross wealth and income
2026 Total collapse; calamities befall you. 100% gross wealth and 10% income
2027 Abject ruin; forcible reforms.

Know that those who have forsaken this grace or those who have committed further sins when condemned will find only deaths awaits them. For those who directed this murder of God’s children will find no forgiveness in this life.

The Way Forward

Who is a God like you,
who pardons sin and forgives the transgression
of the remnant of his inheritance?
You do not stay angry forever
but delight to show mercy.
You will again have compassion on us;
you will tread our sins underfoot
and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.
- Micah 7:18-19

This will be a difficult journey to make – and many will cry out how they never participated in these crimes. Yet, have you not?

You supported these evil kings, you worked diligently for their benefit, you bit your tongue even as they preached hate of your children and poisoned them with foul witchcraft. How can you say that you’re not responsible for what you’ve built of your own hands?

Reprent and join us in building the future! – live your best life, in partnership with God.

Paying Tribute

You can pay tribute in one of two ways:

The latter will be more accessible for individuals: a one-time donation of the appropriate wealth fraction and a recurring tribute of the income fraction.

Joining the Ministry

We welcome you with open arms!

We look forward to seeing you flourish, as part of the beautiful garden God has given us!