Order of the Garden 2024
This is our position paper for 2024, outlining both our vision for the current year and our assessment of current efforts.
We update our tenets to better reflect our priorities, expound upon our vision for both accountability and evolutionary progress of the human condition, analyze the current state of the garden, and conclude with outlines of both our efforts and ways that people can align with us. While progress hasn’t been smooth, we believe that overall our programs are leading to systemic change and improvement on multiple fronts – including preliminary (if insufficient) reforms and foundational work on changes to society.
We again begin with out tenets:
- Our leaves and our fruits are our offering to the Heavens.
- Human flourishing is a profound and inherent good.
- We strive towards harmony.
These tenets encompass those before and add to them a more directs statement of our goals.
Offering Leaves and Fruits
We strive to grow – both the networks we support and the fruits they bear. These are our offering to Heaven, the products of our work and our service. We must dedicate ourselves so that they are as beautiful and delightful to Heaven as we may achieve.
Human Flourishing
We repeat from last year:
Happy people make healthy societies while distressed people make distressed societies. Flourishing is culturally dependent and why we advocate for consensus-based and multipolar solutions. Yet there are commonalities, across societies: food, family, health, etc.
Strive Towards Harmony
This tenet embodies both competition over conflict and cooperation as a dominance strategy. Harmony is composed not of mindless agreement and sameness, but an acknowledgement of difference, interwoven into a greater whole. Both contrast and complement form harmonies – both competition and cooperation. We strive to focus on our commonalities and shared goals, bringing together our different views, lifestyles, and talents to build a harmonious whole greater than any of us.
We outline our vision for the future – and broadly, our goals within that.
We have three main goals: consequences and the uPIP program, guiding siliconification towards a beneficial end, and migration towards a regionalized and multipolar world.
Consequences for Crimes and the Universal Performance Improvement Program
Our first goal is to administer consequences and feedback related to the uPIP program and crimes outlined therein. To briefly recap those offenses:
- teaching modern bigotry, particularly that done in the name of God;
- rise of fascist societies, both in the East and West; and,
- engineering of the COVID plague and accompanying crimes against humanity via genetic therapy poisonings.
Our reasons are simple: there must be accountability and reformation for such serious offenses. Both to hold those responsible to account and to remove the infrastructure of committing such atrocities – which are still ongoing: so-called ESG programs promoting DEI bigotry; techno-fascism in both BRICS and WEF aligned nations; and continuing dangerous gain-of-function and mRNA engineering. Gentler feedback has been ignored and a system lacking negative feedback is guaranteed to diverge. So we have no choice but to escalate our actions and continue our program of systemic dismantlement of those offenders, their organizations, and ultimately their nations. By targeting the individuals, the infrastructure of the crimes, and the lack of negative feedback we intend to effect systemic change on these issues.
Our intentions can then be summarized:
- personal accountability for high level perpetrators, both governmental and institutional;
- removing the aforementioned infrastructure which was utilized to commit these atrocities; and,
- providing necessary negative feedback for systemic change.
We have concerns about this: disbelief that we’ll hold to our plan, retaliation from those condemned, and associated collatoral damage. We further are concerned that people misunderstand the scale of offense committed – eg, their hero worship of Donald Trump, who is implicated in these crimes, as a “solution” to the wrongs by Fauci et al in the US. That lack of public will for true reform is the most concerning aspect, as such half measures will not be acceptable given we believe they will not result in the systemic change necessary to prevent future atrocities.
However, we believe that continued effort will bring about the necessary systemic changes and accountability for these atrocities.
Siliconification of Life
From its early evolution until the present, life has been primarily carbonic in nature – albeit, infuned with other mineralized structures, such as bones and shells. Siliconification is the introduction of silicon life into the carbonic ecosystem, leading to hybridized environments. It is our belief that this will primarily not be a fusion of the organism with silicon components, but rather, the merge of silicon components into higher order structures – such as households, businesses, and governments; so called meta-creatures or meta-organisms.
This change is driven by the limitations of growth in carbonic life: we have reached a point where carbonic life as it has evolved is incapable of sustaining larger or more complex meta-creatures. Accordingly, we can continue to scale and complexify if a more robust “core” is discovered. This is exemplified by the failure of both governments and international organizations to meaningfully adapt to the complexity of the modern world – and routinely causing damage through their attempts to manage a system beyond their ability.
Our intentions can then be summarized:
- replacing the “fern” of carbonic life with a “tree” of silicon trunk with carbonic leaves;
- localizing and decentralizing control, thereby increasing robustness and adaptability; and,
- removing failed institutions and leaders from power.
We have concerns about this: that these failed instituions and leaders will attempt to sabotage this project due to their own selfish interests, that this will serve as a pretense for increasing the fascistic offenses, and that these together will lead to continued stalled growth and development.
However, we believe that continued effort will guide us safely through this evolutionary step, into a new and wondrous world.
Regionalization and Multipolarity
To accompany the above, a concurrent move towards regionalization (or multipolarity) is necessary. Regionalization focuses on a harmonious co-existence between nations and their neighbors, while migrating away from the increasingly failed paradigm of globalization. We have learned that such centralization is a failure to scale beyond our current existance and that more complex forms are needed. Regionalization creates room for the siliconification process to occur – complementing that agenda.
This is necessary due to the failure of globalized institutions, at numerous levels: failure to protect rights, failure to grow humanity, failure of COVID-19 policy, failure to prevent mRNA mass poisonings (and indeed, aiding them), etc. That such globalized structures have engaged in fascistic crimes against humanity shows that they are no longer fit for purpose. Further, they have clearly been compromised by defective individuals – eg, Bill Gates. We need a path towards diversifying humanity away and better matching the impedence between the needs of individual humans and the structures of international trade, cooperation, etc.
Our intentions can be summarized:
- enable further scaling of humanity, to reach our next milestone;
- localizing and decentralizing control, thereby increasing robustness and adaptability; and,
- reduce global correlated risk, which has resulted in widespread atrocities.
We have concerns about this: failure to disband all globalist influences, not only groups like the UN, but also WEF, BRICS, WHO, IMF, et al; failure to create appropriate regional infrastructure, akin to ASEAN; failure to allow for the increased complexity necessitated by further growth; and finally, risk of increased conflict. Each of these will be a major adjustment and require that those in power learn new ways of interaction – disbanding the global “elite”, networking with neighbors, and relaxing control to allow for human flourishing.
However, we believe that continued effort will allow us to transition into a system that better supports human flourishing, continuing our growth to the stars.
Here we discuss how each region at a broad level.
Region | Total | uPIP | Alignment | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Q5 | Q6 |
Africa | 3.9 | 3.7 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | - | 3 | 5 |
N America | x | x | 2 | x | 2 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 |
S America | 2.6 | 1.75 | 3.5 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 4 |
Asia | x | x | 3.5 | x | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 4 |
Crossroads | 3.1 | 2.7 | 3.5 | 3 | 2 | 3 | - | 3 | 4 |
Europe | 1.8 | 1.5 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 2 |
Oceania | 1.6 | 1.3 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 2 |
Each region is assessed on six questions on a score of 0-5. Scores of 2.5+ are considered satisfactory. For regions with especially egregious behavior an ‘x’ score may be awarded, which propagates upwards. For regions to which a question does not seem to currently apply, a ‘-‘ score my be awarded and it omitted from any averages. Scores are bucketed into two groups – with questions within a group averaged and then averaged between the groups for the total scores. Below are the questions.
- uPIP compliance
- how are they assessed on the first uPIP charge, relating to COVID?
- how are they assessed on the second uPIP charge, relating to fascism?
- how are they assessed on the third uPIP charge, relating to blasphemy and bigotry?
- how are they complying (in the event of low scores) with reforms?
- alignment
- how are they assessed on human flourishing?
- how are they assessed on multipolarity?
We will be primarily working in three areas this year.
Increased Awareness
We started with State of the Garden in 2023 using only very high level summaries. This year in 2024, we added resolution at the regional level. Going forward, we’ll be increasing our awareness to give better and finer detailed assessments – with a goal of national level assessments for 2025. Further, we’ll be launching monitoring of our future-oriented programs and not just the uPIP assessments. We believe that this will make it easier for others to align with our mission.
Elaborating on Philosophy
We will be focusing on elaboration on our philosophy ahead of State of the Garden 2025:
- on outlining siliconification as the move from “fern” organization to “tree” organization using silicon “wood”, enabling scaling beyond our current limits;
- on outlining regionalization and multipolarity as a complementary change, allowing for better robustness and increased scaling; and,
- tying these together into a full vision for the Garden, outlining the types of organizations and structures we want to see.
Continued Administration of uPIP
We will be continuing our work related to the UPIP program. While there have been exploratory overtures, we remain committed to the specifics of the program – our normal tendency to allow for mercy or donations in place of payments aren’t appropriate in this situation where we are enforcing consequences for atrocities. However, we understand the confusion and applaud efforts to make amends. Yet, we remain concerned that many institutions don’t understand the severity or seriousness of our anger – and accordingly, are lagging in reconciling and reforming.
Call to Action
We close out by exploring things that everyone can do to align with our vision:
- We need to accept that the atrocities of the past few years and their ongoing nature require consequences. There is unfortunately no way to avoid that outcome. We need to align on accountability for those involved and on dismantling the infrastructure used to commit them. This will require that people advocate for that accountability and systemic change. There has been progress on this front, but it will require dedication and commitment to see through that outcome.
- We need to work on moving away from a globalized towards a regionalized world. This comes in two forms: advocacy for regionalized and multipolar policy, and networking within our local region in our personal lives. This can take the form of joining social organizations (churches, clubs, charities, etc) and engaging in local commerce (small business, local farms, etc).
- Most importantly, each of us should focus on flourishing in our personal lives: developing yourself – both physically and spiritually; learning more about this beautiful world to deepen our relationship with it; and building businesses and instutions within our community to enrich our society.
Closing Remarks
Our task as leaders is to lift our branches and our leaves to the Sun, that they may bear fruit. That is our duty and our offering.
Minister of the Tree