Dear World: Why Conflict?
Dear world,
I love you.
In our position paper 2023 Order of the Garden, we outlined that:
We should strive to demonstrate the excellence of our views and avoid conflict as a show of dominance. That is not to say that all conflict must be avoided (eg, when attacked) but that it cannot become a tool of imposing order nor asserting dominance. We’ve all seen the tragic outcomes of such approaches. Further, demonstrating dominance through competition avoids many conflicts – and is the basis of hierarchy.
We’re therefore taking time to outline the causes and motivations for our use of conflict, as discussed in our uPIP. In our view, we’re responding to a conflict that was thrust upon our people.
We’ll summarize the outline of events three times, one for each justification.
Religion Of Hate
- Democrats, the party of bigotry, in the US and its international allies in the WEF have sought to reconstitute organized hate
- including by illegaly reinstituting race- and sex-based preferences in the US:
- in education
- in business
- in government policy
- know that their ideas are repugnant and unacceptable to the public, so use euphemisms to manipulate perception
- base their entire philosophy on retaliatory bigotry, to justify a return to systemic bigotry
- intentionally besmirch religion through misappropriating a term for God, insulting a cultural group even while preaching “inclusion”
- use their control of international institutions to force these bigoted ideas on developing nations
Reconstituting Fascism
- the WEF has been imposing increasingly totalitarian measures:
- introduction of digital IDs
- drive for digital banking
- vaccine passports
- restrictions on farmers, travel, etc
- restrictions on speech not matching their ideology
- together with this is a massive spying network, a modern panopticon
- this has been accompanied by street violence across WEF aligned nations, such as the US and Canada
- intimidating the US population before an election
- and committing dozens of murders and billions in arson attacks
- and the start of a war in Europe
- following a decade of ethnic attacks and cultural destruction against ethnic Russians
- in alliance with Banderites
- accompanied by Russophobia across WEF allied nations
- with further totalitarian measures to control media reporting on the war
Engineering A Plague
- Fauci, Baric, et al exported bioweapons technology related to gain-of-function on coronaviruses to China
- that engineered plague leaked from the laboratory in Wuhan, China
- that leaked bioweapon research killed millions globally and over a million in the US
- Fauci et al engaged in authoritarian responses, killing nearly a million more in the US while violating US law
- further, they profiteered from their own disaster by forcing an ineffective experimental treatment on the public in violation of the Nuremberg code
Together these three sets of events, each an assault on our people, constitute a reason to utilize conflict. They present an overwhelming case for conflict against a regime who seeks to destroy our families out of hate, enslave our families, and who has murdered millions of our countrymen.
Our Response
There is nothing to do against such naked hatred and murderour aggression but respond with conflict. And so we have.
But even still, we’ve acted with restraint – offering peace terms from the beginning and escalating our use of force slowly. This is to allow those who wish to escape conflcit, who realize in their hearts that they’ve badly erred, to make peace. Our desire is not the total annihilation of anyone who supported the regime, but to bring accountability to the leaders who orchestrated this madness.
We followed standard military policy: ask, warning shot, disabiling shot, and only then escalation into fighting.
Exits From Conflict
Unfortunately, we have little room to compromise: the crimes against our people are too great to back down at anything short of accountability.
Further, the faction behind this atrocity refuses to negotiate peace – preferring conflict to accountability for their leaders. They are under the impression that they can escape consequence through force, unable to confront their already mounting losses and signs of collapse.
We refuse any peace that lacks accountability and consequence.
We’ve provided a roadmap to peace, in broad terms; but not included in those terms is that the leaders of these crimes must face prosecution. We’re still open to negotiating a surrender – and encourage their faction to resolve this madness before it escalates further.
Think Of Your Legacy
The year is 2050 and this conflict is long behind our society.
Our legacy will be that though we arrived too late to save everyone, we battled fiercely to end the atrocities, to bring the perpetrators to justice, and to create room for a better future for mankind. That through our strength and daring, we forged a new path.
What will yours be? – what will your children and grandchildren say about you?
I love you – and I look forward to building the future together.
Minister of the Tree